
Liberal Arts Should Be Taught In College Essay

Decent Essays

What is Being Taught in College?
What should colleges be teaching, is a question that many people are wanting an answer to. Should colleges be teaching students liberal arts or should they just let liberal arts classes slip away? This a controversy between students on every college campus. It is important to the students, because they want what is best for themselves during college. I believe that students need to be taught liberal arts to help better their learning abilities. In my own experience, I have learned that liberal arts classes may be frustrating, but in the long run they have really helped to develop a better grasp on general education. Liberal arts classes are a good way to begin college, instead of just jumping right in to a major.
Colleges should teach liberal arts because they help students develop better learning skills. …show more content…

Students will still learn the same way, whether there are a lot of students or a little. Smaller class size do not make a student perform better, that is up to the student, not the class size. Students can learn in any type of environment; class size does not matter when it comes to a students learning ability. Learning is not about where the knowledge is learned, it is about how it is learned and if a student is willing to learn it. Some might also oppose that colleges should not make students take liberal arts classes. Liberal arts classes do not always help a student develop better learning skills. Some liberal arts classes are not even relevant to a students major. Having to take classes that are not relevant to a student can be overwhelming and frustrating for them. It is too expensive for them to have to pay for classes that are not relevant to their major. Students should be able to choose what classes they want to enroll in and how they want to do it. In all reality, they are the ones that have to pay for their

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