Liesel’s adopted father, Hans Hubermann, made many decisions throughout The Book Thief that changed the course of the plot. For example, he painted windows of people who could not pay him but needed to hide during the blackouts. He also went to war for Germany as an LSE. These decisions are often contradictory of each other. While the reader gets a sense that he is naturally a good person with a kind personality who does right by those around him, it is also hard not to question the morality of a registered Nazi who fought in the war for the Germans. It debated whether his good deeds and kindness excuse that he was part of the Nazi party. Some of Han’s actions lead the reader to believe he is moral and believes in equality between people.
Liesel Meminger, the main character in The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, is a very complex and deep character. Throughout the almost six year span of her life starting from age nine covered by this novel, Liesel not only grows intellectually and physically, but as a whole person. Physically when Liesel arrived on Himmel Street as a foster child, “everything about her was undernourished” (Zusak, 31). Death described even her smile as hungry. Liesel was depicted with “Her hair was a close enough brand of German blond, but she had dangerous eyes.
“You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on a life.” (Ziglar) In The Book Thief, Liesel uses the power of words to positively influence how people feel. This can be seen through Liesel’s interactions with Max throughout the novel. Similarly, the story of “The Word Shaker” shows the powerful influence of words both good and bad. Finally, Liesel’s interactions with Max, provide yet another example of how words can make a positive impact on another person. The positive effect of words can be seen through the actions of Liesel’s character in “The Word Shaker”. However, words can also be used in a negative way in like in“The Word Shaker” when Max is trembling at the words of Mein Kampf and when in “The Word Shaker
In The Book Thief, a work of historical fiction, written by Markus Zusak introduces the main character Liesel Meminger, the reader starts to see how she keeps having many conflicts but always stays positive. Liesel has many conflicts, for example her brother dies early in the book and that shapes the way she is. Later on Liesel steals books and that makes her happy because the first book she stole was the grave digger's handbook and that is how she remembers her brother. Liesel steals and reads books this is how she finds happiness with all the bad things going on around her. In the end of the book most of the people she loves die and it is hard for her to find happiness again. The author uses the setting and point of view to express theme and to make the reader feel sympathy; He uses this because with the theme of finding light in the darkness, deaths perception, and the setting of Germany makes the theme clearer.
20 July 1944, Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg placed his briefcase beside the Fuhrer and left for a phone call. Moments later an explosion rocked the compound but the Fuhrer was alive and Stauffenberg paid with his life later that very same day. Although Hans Hubermann is just a character in Marcus Zusak’s novel, The Book Thief, he too resisted the Fuhrer and his party. Hans was an anti-Nazi much the same as Stauffenberg, although they went about their resistance in radically different ways, they both worked against the oppression that the Third Reich instilled upon the land it occupied.
In “The Book Thief”, Liesel and Rudy can relate to the beginning lyric. In the song, it says “You and I in a little toy shop/Buy a bag of balloons with the money we got”(ln.1-2). In “The Book Thief”, there’s a scene where Liesel and Rudy find a coin on the ground, and use it to buy candy. “The excitement almost stung as they rushed back to Frau Diller’s, not even considering that a single pfenning might not be the right price. They burst through the door and stood in front of the Aryan shopkeeper, who regarded them with contempt...It didn’t take long take Rudy long to dig the coin from his pocket and place it firmly on the counter. He looked straight into Frau Diller’s spectacled eyes and said, “‘Mixed candy, please.’” (155). From the reading,
Liesel Meminger is a main character described in “The Book Thief”. After her mother can no longer support her Liesel and her brother, although he does not make the journey, are sent to a foster home in a small town in Germany called Munich were Liesel meets Hans and Rosa Hubermann or Mama and Papa. Although the initial warming up is hard Liesel soon becomes very close to her Papa. “Over the next few weeks and into summer, the midnight class began at the end of each nightmare” (Zusak,69). Hans teaches Liesel each night how to read and write to ease her mind when all Liesel can think about is her dead brother. Hans truly becomes Papa when Liesel trusts Hans will never let her be
In the novel The Book Thief , by Markus Zusak, there are many different characters but Liesel was the one who stood out. Liesel had many different positives and negatives which changed her into the character that she was in the novel.These positives and negatives showed the viewers who Liesel really is and how she copes with everything.Liesel had many big events which changed her when she went to live with the Hubermanns , another is when max leaves her,last but not least was when Himmel street get bombed and Liesel stepped out onto the street and saw all her loved ones gone.
Reluctance or stubbornness in ending impulsive actions can have consequences. In the Book Thief by Markus Zusak, Liesel Meminger’s inability to halt her dangerous habits put her and others’ lives in dangerous situations. Three main examples of Liesel’s dangerous activities are when she steals books, when she demonstrates kindness at improper times, and when she disrespects others for her own selfish reasons. In all these examples, there is always one moment where Liesel places her or others in harm’s way and narrowly escapes punishment.
In the beginning of The Book Thief, the reader meets Liesel Meminger, her mother, and her brother, Werner Meminger. The father is never introduced. It is only said that he is a communist. Werner dies on the train to Himmel Street, the place that Liesel is left with a couple, Hans and Rosa Hubermann. Liesel’s mother is never seen again, but the reader assumes that she was taken away for being one of the Nazi’s targets. According to The Book Thief, “What came to her then was the dustiness of the floor, the feeling that her clothes were more next to her than on her, and the sudden realization that this would all be for nothing—that her mother would never write back and she would never see her again.” Nazis were the epitome of evil. They tore families apart and killed millions of innocent people.
From what has been established so far in The Book Thief, I believe that Liesel is hungry for knowledge and the power of literacy. Since the beginning, she has longed for this ability which is why she stole books in the first place. It just so happened that Hans was willing to teach her how to read and to teach her the things that she wouldn’t learn at school. I think that she has many longings for things throughout the book, but this is the most important in her mind. Along with just the ability to read, I also think that she wanted the chance to show that
In the book the Book Thief by Markus Zusak, Liesel Meminger would be considered a best friend to me. Even though Liesel steals books, she is a remarkable, talented, and dedicated girl. Liesel was loved by several people, her foster mother and father, the mayor's wife, her neighbors, and the Jew hiding in her basement. To all of them, she was kind, “And she walked over and hugged him for the first time. “Thanks, Max.”” (Zusak, page 222) Max was the Jew hiding from the Nazis in her basement. This took place during Liesel’s birthday. Liesel’s foster mother and father bought her a book for her birthday. Max could not get anything for Liesel, because he was in hiding. When Liesel saw how lonely Max seemed, she went over and gave him a hug. Liesel thanked Max and got cheer up. Liesel was not only kind but she was exposed to life changing situations at a young age.
If you believe in yourself and have dedication, pride, and never quit, you will be successful. Markus Zusak, the author of The Book Thief, creates a story of a young orphan named Liesel Meminger, who is living with her new foster family. She learns the wonders of reading from her foster father and grows to love books. During Liesel’s time with her new family, she shows determination through her efforts and kindness with her encounters with other people. Liesel in The Book Thief expresses her traits, such as hardworking, and bravery.
Zusak as the author, demonstrates Liesel as a thief to compare her with other rebellious Germans. Throwback to the book Arrival On Himmel Street, death has written “Her knees entered the ground. Her moment had arrived. Still in disbelief, she started to dig. He couldn’t be dead. He couldn’t be dead. He couldn’t-” (23), these words indicate the similarities between Liesel and many other Germans during the period. As we all have known, during World War II, many German families has to suffer from separation. Childrens are separated from their parents, siblings are supported by each others. Just like Liesel, many in the time were departed from their parents on their way to their foster parents. Unfortunately for some of them, their siblings, who share the same journey with them cannot make it to the destination. Not only Liesel shares faiths with the rebellious German who are affected by the World War II, she is also experiencing the same feeling that they are sensing. They are all angry, they are in disbelief, that their loved ones have left them behind in the lonely world. Correspondingly, in the book The Woman With The Iron Fist, Issa has spoken “This is what I have to put up with, these rich bastards, these lazy swine…”(43). These words have spoken for the majority of Germans at the time. Through the words, the abusive tone of the character Issa, we can clearly see the spark of rebellious. Although these words were not directly from Liesel, we all know that “Who
“Liesel wandered towards the mountain of ash. It sat like a magnet, like a freak. Irresistible to the yes, similar to the road of yellow stars”(Zusak 119). Liesel shows an interest in the Jews but it also shows that the pile of burning books and documents is just like the Jews and how no one wanted to be around them because of the danger of being seen with them. If caught being nice to a Jew, they along with you would be severely punished. At the time, to oppose Hitler, meant that you were welcoming Death with open arms. For example, Hans Hubermann was whipped after “[he] presented a piece of bread” to “the [parade that] stood before him”(Zusak 394). Hans, knowing the consequences if he were caught, gave a person a piece of bread even though it was considered forbidden. He was willing to stand up for human rights, when no one else was. This is a the very definition of a rescuer. Death, being able to move around the anywhere in the world really fast, mentions that “in 1933, 90% of Germans showed unflinching support for Adolf Hitler. Hans Hubermann belonged to the 10% who didn’t”(Zusak 630). Hans is not one to follow the crowd even when he is outnumbered and
When most people think about a life of abandonment, they probably see that life as one filled with suffering. In “The Book Thief” abandonment is a central topic throughout this novel. The abandonment through Liesel’s life helps develop her character in the novel. This abandonment happens through family, friends, and mentors. Through acts of both circumstance and heart she constantly feels abandoned, but through the course of these events she eventually finds happiness from it all.