
Life Decisions Are An Individual Decision Essay

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End of life decisions are an individual decision. If able, we would all like to be able to decide where, when and how. Since most of us don’t get that choice, it is important to communicate and discuss with close family your personal wishes for your end of life decisions. I don’t think there is any one right or wrong answer, it is just important to be thoughtful and intentional with communicating our wishes.
Euthanasia has always been and will always be a controversial subject for many people. In my personal opinion, to assist with euthanasia is to step into the role of God himself. This is my belief as a Christian. I didn’t decide when I was to be born or who my parents were, that was all up to God himself, and so by that right, I do not feel I have the choice in when to end it. I also do not feel it is my place to judge and I can also understand the side of terminally ill patient with no options other than death. Once they feel they no longer have quality of life, and they are able to make a sound decision, if there is no other possible way of them to live a dignified life, I then feel I could support them choosing to end their own life. “So far only four states have some sort of physician assisted suicide for terminally ill patients; Oregon, Washington, Montana, and Vermont have Death with Dignity Acts and physician-assisted dying, but others states are considering or have tried to implement this law. The laws respect and uphold the integrity of the

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