
Life Is Beautiful Essay

Decent Essays

In the movie "Life Is Beautiful", a Jewish man and his family are put into a concentration camp during the Holocaust. The movie gives an inside look at the horrors the Jews were faced with during the Holocaust. "Life Is Beautiful" should be incorporated into a unit on the Holocaust in schools because it shows everything the Jews were faced with, it handles expressing the horrors of the Holocaust without being too graphic, and it would help students get a more personal feeling of what happened to the Jews. "Life Is Beautiful" gives the audience a vivid look into what happened during the Holocaust. Roberto Benigni plays a very upbeat, carefree bookstore owner. His wife, who is not Jewish, and his son are forced into a concentration …show more content…

This would make it so that all audiences can watch the movie and still get the full effect of what went on in the concentration camps. "Life Is Beautiful" shows one family's experience in the concentration camp. Benigni makes the audience fall in love with the main character in the beginning by letting them see the way his life was and how truly happy he was. He shows him falling in love with a Christian woman and having an upbeat, curious little boy. By doing this, the audience experiences the sadness that the characters felt in the movie when they are separated. The audience feels sad when his Christian wife is separated from her family even though she wasn't supposed to be at the camp in the first place. They also feel fear when his son has to hide every day from the Jews so that he won't be taken to the furnace. At the end of the movie, when Benigni is killed for being where he is not supposed to be, the audience is saddened because throughout the movie, they have fallen in love with this positive, upbeat dad who would do anything to protect his son. This would make the movie good to show to students because it gives them a more personal feeling of what occurred during the Holocaust. This way, they can understand better how painful and upsetting it truly was. "Life Is Beautiful" should be incorporated into a unit on the Holocaust. Benigni does a great job of

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