
Life Is The Worst Experience In My Life

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Growing up in an environment where my parents were emotionally unavailable force me to grow up faster and be almost a parent to my younger brother. But who says, “Life is easy” right? To make things worst school became the worst experience in my life. Since first grade I never connected with other children because I was so quiet, shy, and the other children thought I was just weird to befriend. From there on, I became more alienated and my classmates begin bullying me because they simply did not like me. My classmates in eight grade went so far as to force the teacher to move my desk away from them. That same year was the time where I snapped at a classmate and took out my anger by beating him with a chair, I got suspended even though my teacher try to defend me and explain why I went violent on my classmate. (I don’t condone violence but it proves that when a person is pushed so far to the edge they will react and especially if you are being victimized psychologically, emotionally, physically, and sexually.) So, the rest of my eight grade I ended up in the back of the classroom sitting next to the teacher. Couldn’t participate in group activities because I was always left out and the school staff couldn’t force the other students to accept me even though once my gym teacher did but after he would bench me because he saw how far my classmates would go to make me feel rejected. School was not a good experience and was force to drop out of high school when I was barely

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