
Life : My Life

Decent Essays

My Life
My life has not always been easy, but without it I would not be who I am today. I spent my early childhood in Apache Junction Arizona which is just twenty miles outside the city of Mesa. I lived with both parents, three sisters, and one brother. My parents fought a lot about my mother’s drinking and how it caused so much trouble for us all. My mother fought the most with my dad’s daughter Sarah. They both agreed to move to Illinois where they had family. My father had family in Chicago while my mother had family in Carmi. They agreed to let Sarah live with her friend’s family and stay in Arizona My parents and sibling and I stayed with my second cousin Laura in Chicago until we could get back on our feet and get a place of our own. Chicago is where I felt and saw snow for the first time, it was not as I expected, I thought it would be fluffy but it was just cold wet and melted between my fingers. We spent a lot of time swimming in the summer, that is when my cousin Laura taught me to swim for the first time. Laura always looked out for us kids and made us feel so welcome. Every Sunday my two sisters and I would put on our Sunday dresses and my brother would put on a nice shirt and Laura would take us to church with her. At church, the girls would try to teach me to double dutch but I just never could get the hang of it. School in Chicago was my least favorite. I was the only Caucasian girl there, which led to a lot of teasing and bullying. I learned the

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