
Life Of Pi And Religion

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Life of Pi
The origin of man kind has been a debate spanning thousands of years, At the heart of this debate are Religion and science.This theme is of Religion and Science is put to test by the protagonist Pi Patel, through his grueling journey across the. The author Yann Martel executes the art of storytelling by combining the elements of a magical-realist fable with the excitement of a edge-of-seat adventure(jordan) . From the beginning of the story Pi Patel is alienated because of his unorthodox belief in Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. It is this alienation that lead him to discover life lessons from an early age that eventually saved his life many a times through his travels. His scientific knowledge about the social order of animal …show more content…

As the story progresses the author gives his own insight into the current life of Pi, this gives a clear connection between events that occurred in the story and how that affected Pi’s life 20 years …show more content…

His retelling of the story was was heavily doubted to say the least. Pi responded with “"Don't you bully me with your politeness! Love is hard to believe, ask any lover. Life is hard to believe, ask any scientist. God is hard to believe, ask any believer. What is your problem with hard to believe?"”. Upon further interrogation Pi told a more believable, replacing the animals with humans, meagerly satisfying the investigators. Pi posed a question “ So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can't prove the question either way, which story do you prefer? Which is the better story, the story with animals or the story without animals?”. Both agreed with The story with the animals. To which pi responded “Thank you. And so it goes with God.”. This dialogue not only defines the importance of storytelling within the story but also represents the debate between science and religion. Science being the more believable story, religion being the original story and like the origin of man none of the stories have a definite proof. They share many similarities yet differ so much to different people.

Throughout the story the harmony between science and religion is demonstrated around every corner, yet it is doubted by many. Pi’s life experiences have taught him that both are to be respected and valued in different situations. The skill of storytelling demonstrated by the author

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