
Life Of Pi Myth Vs Reality

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Reality might not be as sacrosanct as one may have previously believed,. Martel attempts to convince his readers of this fact through the story “Life of Pi”, alongside the characters of Pi and Richard Parker who only manage to survive a perilous journey at sea through a combination of faith and wits. By using religion and logic as stand-ins for fiction and nonfiction, Martel explores the possibility that the truth may not be sacred enough to be “ruined” by a good story. To humans, reality is a way of making us feel secure by anchoring us down to the true world, yet at the same time, it restricts our thinking to the material world without thought of human rationality. Pi’s usage of the survival handbook and checklists echos this fact, it tells him the optimal way to survive, it even references mental sanity (160, 184), but a description of something, is not the thing itself. Simply, the facts cannot make us carry out any action, it is only through the way we think do these facts have any meaning to us. To many people, this list may only serve to discourage them, with the chance of survival so low, one might as well give up. But to Pi, the very fact …show more content…

The Japanese diplomats refusal to believe Pi’s story due to the sole reason that it is not likely to be “realistic” shows us how a person thinks like that misses the point of stories: “So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can’t prove the question either way, which story do you prefer? Which is the better story, the story with animals or the story without animals”? (352). Stories are not meant to be a manifestation of reality, making it so would rob the story of all of its meaning that cannot be expressed through material. Sometimes, truth can be stranger than fiction, but truth can never reach the breadth that fiction is able

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