
Lifeguard Persuasive Essay

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A little boy jumped into the townpool with no lifejacket on. The lifeguard suddenly jumped right into the water. The little boy was in the deep end of the water that was twelve feet. The lifeguard dove in and grabbed the boy out of the water in seconds. The little boy was alive. He knew how to hold his breath but not swim. The lifeguard was a hero and saved him. Otherwise, the boy would have died. It is clear that people should have the right to have rescue services rescue them when they put themselves at risk. This is a controversial topic because there are many arguable opinions about this. Others believe, rescue services shouldn’t go out and rescue them. For example if you’re trying to rescue two people you are risking three lives. More …show more content…

People pay for the experience everyone has. It’s not free. If you're paying a huge amount of money to reach your destination. Everyone should have the right to be respected, be saved, treated greatly. All that money everyone pays is paying them. Paying should let yourself know that you’re in excellent care. In the article Helicopter rescues Increasing on Everest is started “ the helicopter companies are privately owned and operated so it’s- you know, they have to lay out quite a bit of money. I mean. these machines, the B3’s, cost about $2 million apiece, and they’re quite expensive to operate, said Heil.”Heil means the money everyone pays to go to the rescue and the helicopters to save anyone. While other people believe the money isn't going to the rescue services it is going to other people helicopters and all other extra thing that are on the mountain. The rescue services are still getting paid to risk their life for someone else’s. Anyway, they choose and they know how much they receive and what they have to operate. Rescue services should save climbers who are risking their

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