
Lifestyle In The 1800's

Decent Essays

“Then and Now”

I strongly believe that lifestyle in the 2000’s has vastly improved from the 1800’s. This is not just because of technological advances, as there is a variety of aspects in today’s society that have changed for the better. The three main ones that will be covered in this essay are Politics, Economy, and Medicine. First of all, Public participation in politics. Back in the 1800’s the only people allowed to vote were white males. However in the 2000’s this has changed to any American citizen regardless of age, race, or gender. This has led to a drastic change in voter turnout. Boosting up the percentages from 10% back then to about 65% now. Another reason for this increase in voting is that voting is a lot more accessible and easier now days. Another thing that has greatly improved is communication. Back then the United States was not very connected and there was still some isolation, communication was very slow. However now with big broadcasting companies like CNN and Fox, the word spreads really fast and the people are more informed. …show more content…

Though today’s Economy still has some similarities with the 1800’s, there are also many differences. In the 1800’s Economy was split into sections. The North had a rapidly growing industry business, while the South was heavily based on Slavery and Farming. Both areas were thriving, however eventually Slavery started to create problems which you all know would lead to the Civil War. A major similarity between the two times is Farming. The U.S has always had great farmland and farming has been a very profitable business since day 1. Also the in both era’s the U.S. had been very big on imports and exports. One of the major differences between the two Economies are that now heavy machinery is used instead of Slavery. Another large difference is that before the Economy was based on an Agrarian style (farming), it is now based on Industry and

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