
Lila And Eve Essay Topics

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Film Analysis Essay When the word, villain, is said most people would think about an animated movie or television show. In this film, there are multiple villains with different characteristics and different motives. Some villains had good intentions and others purposely played the villain role. A villain is described as a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot. “In Lila and Eve,” the villains would be Alonzo, the justice system, Lila, and Eve and these are known to be the villains because someone feels a sense of fear or hatred toward each other. Although everyone in this group are villains they are also victims. Each victim seek revenge or justice, and in most cases, both which in turn make that victim a villain. Particularly, Alonzo would be the first villain of the film that causes the controversy. Alonzo mistakenly shoot an kill Lila’s son, Stephon, along with Ray which was his intentional target. Although the action wasn’t on purpose Alonzo shows no mercy as he states that Stephon shouldn’t have been walking the streets. Alonzo’s careless behavior shows that he doesn’t have sympathy for …show more content…

Lila started grievance by going to the therapy group which was part of how she found confidence. After Eve explained that the justice system and the mothers didn’t care about her Lila knew that Eve was someone she can relate to. In turn she started to resent Eve because she realized the killing was not in her plans to finding justice for her son. Every time Lila would back out Eve would encourage her even more and convince Lila why she should, “Finish the job.” Although Lila was definitely a victim she became a villain when she stopped taking legal precautions. Lila stopped thinking about the mothers that would feel the same pain she felt. After killing the last set of guys that were out for her Lila took Justin and moved out of town with understanding and peace of the

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