Film Analysis Essay When the word, villain, is said most people would think about an animated movie or television show. In this film, there are multiple villains with different characteristics and different motives. Some villains had good intentions and others purposely played the villain role. A villain is described as a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot. “In Lila and Eve,” the villains would be Alonzo, the justice system, Lila, and Eve and these are known to be the villains because someone feels a sense of fear or hatred toward each other. Although everyone in this group are villains they are also victims. Each victim seek revenge or justice, and in most cases, both which in turn make that victim a villain. Particularly, Alonzo would be the first villain of the film that causes the controversy. Alonzo mistakenly shoot an kill Lila’s son, Stephon, along with Ray which was his intentional target. Although the action wasn’t on purpose Alonzo shows no mercy as he states that Stephon shouldn’t have been walking the streets. Alonzo’s careless behavior shows that he doesn’t have sympathy for …show more content…
Lila started grievance by going to the therapy group which was part of how she found confidence. After Eve explained that the justice system and the mothers didn’t care about her Lila knew that Eve was someone she can relate to. In turn she started to resent Eve because she realized the killing was not in her plans to finding justice for her son. Every time Lila would back out Eve would encourage her even more and convince Lila why she should, “Finish the job.” Although Lila was definitely a victim she became a villain when she stopped taking legal precautions. Lila stopped thinking about the mothers that would feel the same pain she felt. After killing the last set of guys that were out for her Lila took Justin and moved out of town with understanding and peace of the
It was not until she met “Eve” that she started to actually come to terms with her son Stephens death. One of the main reasons for her anger was that the police officers that was overseeing her case seemed not to care. To them Stephen was just another black kid that was killed due to gang related violence. Another set back came when she found a gun in her sons book bag her world came crashing down. Lila copping mechanism or a way to block out the pain as well as the world was to clean, so she developed obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
She’s the villain because she opposes anything that Glinda, Dorothy and her friends do. She desperately wants her sister’s slippers back that Dorothy wears during the movie and will do anything to try and get them. The wicked witch of the west said, “I’ll get you my pretty and your little dog too!” This shows that the witch is the villain because she told Dorothy that she’s going after her and will get her slippers at some point in the movie. The witch follows Dorothy and her friends throughout their journey down the yellow brick road, she taunts them their whole way to see the wizard.
Deenie chronicles the life of 13-year-old Wilmadeene "Deenie" Fenner, whose mother is determined to have her become a model. At the same time, Deenie's 16-year-old sister, Helen, who is academically proficient, is being pushed by their mother, Thelma, to keep her grades up so that she can eventually become a doctor or a lawyer. One day, Deenie is diagnosed with scoliosis, and is prescribed a body brace to wear for the next four years. At the same time, Helen has fallen in love with Joe, a charming and romantic young gentleman who works for the family business, a gas station. Thelma, upset that her plans for her daughters are coming undone, has Joe fired and still exhorts Deenie to pursue a modeling career once she stops wearing the back brace. Fearful that
Journey to Villainy There are so many different kinds of villains. There is not just one kind of villain and they are not all bad villains in the beginning like Anakin Skywalker on his journey to become one of the most well known villains, Darth Vader. A villain can be anyone who might have made some wrong decisions in their life and end up going down the wrong path. Some Individuals are born being a villain with their family not making the right decisions and they become villains because it is the only thing they know and may be good at.
Antagonist: The antagonist that is making the most reactions in the book is Phoebe. Phoebe is causing more of the antagonist in the story because every time Ben says something Phoebe will always react or respond with an attitude.
Antagonist is a person, thing, or force that works against the protagonist, or hero of the story. The antagonist in the novel is Becca's older sisters, Shana and Sylvia.
The subject matter of early American women writers has been criticized in the past, but the messages these authors sent women and society cannot be denied. Susanna Rowson and Fanny Fern came from two different time periods in American history, but their impact on society is similar. In both cases, the women experienced great success as writers during their time. Their popularity shows how their messages were transferred to many people of their time. By exploring the themes of these novels, a better understanding of females in society can be gained. The themes of womanhood and the issues associated with being female in early America will be detailed through specific problems. The
Russell Crowe once said, “I like villains because there’s something so attractive about a committed person-they have a plan, an ideology, no matter how twisted. They’re motivated.” The villain’s commitment to follow through with their evil plan is what shapes the story’s plot, which is why they play a very important role in literature. In short stories, villains that are highly motivated and grim creates the best plot that is short enough to keep the reader’s attention but long enough to be considered a well-developed story. The villains Montresor from Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado,” and Madame Loisel from Guy de Maupassant’s “The Necklace,” are both greatly villainous in their own ways, but General Zaroff from Richard Connell’s
Antagonist - The antagonist in Dirty little Secrets is Lucy’s mother. Her mom is a hoarder, she keeps everything and if anyone tries to touches anything she will flip. She is a nurse with three kids.
Antagonist - An example of an antagonist is Darth Vader from Star Wars. Darth Vader is opposing his son Luke Skywalker (the protagonist) because Luke is trying
In Lee Masterson’s, “Creating Villains People Love to Hate”, she illustrates how villains who lack proper motive and composure leads readers to push away from any emotion or interest from the plot itself. By explaining proper antagonism of a villain, in a general and broad sense, readers are properly able to understand why certain villains may not contribute fully to a plot through her appeal to logos. In contrast, Fischoff illustrates this relationship directly through a cinematic aspect by the impact it has had on the film industry. In addition, Freeman’s odd approach on the “Heroes and Villain” aspect takes onto approach an unusual kind of hero, the working class and how they have changed New York for the better. While both Freeman and Fischoff
In the Pretty Little Liars show there is a villain that is attacking 5 girls and they call this villain -A. This villain is more compelling than the hero because -A is sneaky and hacks into all 5 of the girls phones without the girls knowing. So since -A hacked all their phones, the villain can find where the girls are at all times. -A is always dressed up in black, and you can never tell who it is. The villain also breaks into the girls houses to get things back that the girls took from -A. The villain is more interesting than the hero because the villain is always one step ahead of everyone and is a mystery to everyone
Alonzo is by no means a soft hearted police officer, feared by the neighborhood in which he lives, officer Harris is known to have the power to bring down anyone who opposes him. At one point, he enters a private resident using a Chinese menu as a ploy for a fake warrant, steals what he knows is drug money. All this in order to pay off city officials to get a warrant on a large drug distributor he had
The young heroine is a threat to their sociopolitical structure, and the villain is the one who attempts to keep the young heroine mundane and below the other beings. The villain is a representation of the society’s ideology of wanting to keep women below men, having little to no say what is occurring in their society. The 21st century young heroine “seeks to unite both extremes:
The good are good to the end, and the evils are evils for the ends. There is no deep characterization of the characters. So, the gothic villain is simply a bad person doing evil deeds. He neither suffers from any mental problems or struggles, nor obtains a supernatural power; moreover he is a human being, not a ghost or a monster. Accordingly, a question arises, what does make him a gothic villain? The answer is that the terror he creates inside the hearts of the female characters makes him a monster in the eyes of his victims .Their continuous anxiety and anticipation for his evil deeds and their frequent escape from him creates an atmosphere of fear and gothic and makes him a source of horror and fear. Julia’s mother describes the marquis as the controller of their destiny “ the marquis, as you know, has not only power to imprison, but also the right to life and death in his own domain” (S.R.,