
Lily Bart Quotes

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"She had never been able to understand the laws of a universe which was so ready to leave her out of its calculations" (Wharton). Lily Bart, an unlucky woman who went from riches to rags, fights to retain her position in high-class society. Unfortunately, her lack of wealth and status as an unmarried 29-year old woman makes her vulnerable to that same society. This novel explores the dark sides of humanity and depicts the lesson that life is never fair. Lily makes her own choices, however, they are not entirely made of her own volition. The heavy influence and expectations of Lily's environment captures her in a deterministic system, therefore House of Mirth is a naturalist novel. Lily Bart resembles that of a scholarship student in a clique …show more content…

However, Lily's overwhelming sense of pride often ruins key opportunities. Lily has a chance for a middle-class existence with the lawyer Lawrence Selden, but Wharton makes it quite clear that Lily is the product of her early environment. Consequently, Lily felt there was nothing worse to live in a dull apartment and own ugly things, and thus cannot ever marry Lawrence Selden (316). For similar reasons, she cannot marry the wealthy Mr. Rosedale, who is not quite as high up in society as Lily would like and also highly unrefined; she needs both taste and money. She is finally reduced to the point that neither Lawrence nor Rosedale desire to marry her, although Rosedale offers to, if she can regain …show more content…

Lily is mostly a victim of rumors. Strangely, Lily is never described as “ruined” in the novel, perhaps because she is never physically “ruined” but only rumored to have been ruined, by virtue of her connection to a married man, Gus Trenor. Her connection to Trenor is of course provable because she borrowed money from him; she is rumored to be ruined sexually because she was ruined financially. Of course, women can’t be ruined financially, as men can; in the case of House of Mirth, Lily’s father: “I’m ruined” he says, when the fortune fails (34). But the family’s fortune isn’t entirely gone until Lily is ruined as well: Lily’s beauty “was the last asset in their fortunes, the nucleus around which their life was to be rebuilt”

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