
Limitations Of Classicism

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Classicism evolved in the 18th and 19th century throughout Europe following the enlightenment period. The end of the American and French revolutions was the start of many important changes in political beliefs and the idea of equality was strongly enforced. (Bruce A. Arrigo, Heather Y. Bersot, 2014). Classical criminology is a viewpoint of crime, which resulted from a hedonistic approach where behavior leans towards maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain. A basic principle of classicism meant that citizens should be treated fairly and be given equal treatment before the law (Robert Lily, France T. Cullen, Richard A. Ball 2010). The leader of the classical school and the founding father of criminology during the enlightenment period was Cesarae Baeccaria. Beccaria created some of the most powerful ideas that connected both democratic liberalism and criminal justice. Classicism brought about many new ideas and saw the creation of new legal codes however there were also limitations of classicism.
Within Classicism there are a number of features which promoted the idea of equality for all citizens. Equality is the belief that individuals are born equal and therefore should all be treated the same (Andrew Haywood, 2002). One concept within classicism that promotes equality is the rejection of individual punishment which follows the concept of equality by being equal before the law. In practice this meant that criminals who committed the same crime as another would receive the

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