
Limitations Of Cognitive Psychology

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Cognitive psychology is an important field because it studies everything that makes up who a person is, based on what they know, think, and feel (Cognition, pg. 3). Understanding cognitive psychology can help people make better decisions and help recognize how people accomplish great things (Cognition, pg. 4). For example, if a person is having a hard time focusing in class and they discover when the chatty people behind them do not show up they take better notes, than it is beneficial for them to cognitively decide to sit somewhere else. This example shows how understanding cognitive psychology can allow someone to get to know himself or herself better, therefore making better personal decisions. Getting a basic understanding of cognitive psychology involves four fundamental concepts: the intrinsic limitations of introspection and behaviorism, working memory, the role of the amygdala, and the structure of a neuron and synapse.
The concept of cognitive psychology came about in the 1950s, discovered by two psychologists named Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchener (Cognition, pg. 8). It was previously thought that psychology could not study the world directly, but these two researchers founded the idea of introspection, meaning to observe and record our own mental lives (Cognition, pg. 9). Although introspection seemed like an ingenious way to directly study people, it turned out to have a couple intrinsic limitations. First, it did not account for unconscious thoughts. For

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