
Linda Ward

Decent Essays

Linda Ward is a great example of someone who has the ability to balance a family and a career within the media industry. Starting at a position that was mainly behind the scenes, Linda took the action of applying for a reporter job in Charlotte Town.

After many told her she wouldn’t get the position, Linda did. Moving her entire family to pursue her passion of reporting. Linda spent just over a year in Charlotte Town when she decided to move back to Toronto. Fast forward to 2017, Linda Ward is now a Reporter and producer for the CBC. Something many told her would never happen. One piece of advice I took from Linda Ward was to never stop trying, “If you have a passion for it and it’s something you really want. It will happen.”

Mobile Journalism
Mobile journalism is now an emerging trend and strategy used throughout the CBC. VJ, MMJ, MOJO, SELF-OP which ever term you know it by they all mean the same thing; a single journalist filming, editing, and performing on their very own news story. Many journalists are now creating news footage and rants strictly by using self-shot footage and minimal equipment.

How It’s Done
For Linda Ward, a Self-Op reporter, she often uses her cellphone for her news reports. For a basic setup she starts by having a Tripod where her phone is …show more content…

For Ward, she enters the office at an odd time where a camera crew isn’t available. By utilizing her cellphone, she is able to capture a scene that would have been a missed opportunity. An example of this would be the girl stuck on the crane this summer. Ward was the first to the scene where the girl was being rescued by the firefighter. A camera crew wasn’t live on set yet, so Linda pulled out her phone and was able to report while the viewers at home had a shot of the scene. Ward admits it wasn’t the best quality work; however, in this age speed and accuracy trumps

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