
Lindfor's Dialogic Discourse

Better Essays

Here we see a slight shifting in Steve’s view as he responds to Charlotte’s concern. These preceding exchanges revealed dynamic responsiveness among group members in creating each group’s collective judgment, but they only hint at the complexity of the dialogic process. With each responsive utterance, students synthesized their individual histories, cultural contexts, new information, logic, and others’ utterances to make meaning in this assignment.
3. The Judicious Spectator In the final stage of this study, students continued responding to each other in their dialogic discourse, but in this phase they focused their efforts on writing their jury report/collaborative essay. Lindfors believes humans work best in “collaboration” with others (Lindfors, p. 53). She references Vygotsy’s “zone of proximal development,” which she defines as “the area where a [person] can function with the help of a more competent partner,” a place “neither totally beyond the [person’s] reach nor completely within her grasp” (Lindfors, referencing Vygotsky, p. 53). Therefore, with Lindfors and Vygotsky in mind, Sally selected jury members based on writing ability, assigning one excellent writer, one average writer, and one struggling writer to each three-person jury. She designated this assignment as an in-class essay because …show more content…

It highlights the necessity of granting students the freedom to negotiate their own meaning from texts because it cultivates their confidence and capacity to both contribute their ideas and express them in ways that others can understand. We urge the creation of authentic assignments for students to engage them in ways that are personally meaningful, and we note the importance of collaboration because scaffolding contributes to the growth of both struggling learners and their more proficient

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