
Lion And The Wardrobe Archetypes

Decent Essays

Works of fantasy literature have certain aspects woven throughout the story that makes it able to be classified as a fantasy literature story. Fairy tale elements such as good versus evil, magic, as well as the many character archetypes certain characters in literature can take on. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis is a classic piece of fantasy writing that contains fairy tale elements that strengthen the work as a whole. Lewis’ story is a circular fantasy, which means that the characters in the novel enter another realm before returning to the world the readers are familiar with. The novel starts out with Edmund, Lucy, Peter, and Susan exploring their new home after they were evacuated from London during the war. They find …show more content…

Edmund first gives into the temptation of the Turkish Delight, but then realizes that he should be with his siblings. This makes Edmund an evil figure, however, he has a good heart, unlike the White Witch. “…However, for deep down inside him he really knew that the White Witch was bad and cruel” (Lewis 89). Having a good heart ultimately saves Edmund from his temptations. This fact sets the White Witch apart from Edmund. She is evil through and through, which makes her the villain character as well as the terrible mother. Although she technically is not a mother, she first acts like a motherly figure for Edmund. The White Witch’s characteristics are similar to that of the Snow Queen in Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale, The Snow Queen. The siblings encounter Mr. Beaver and Mrs. Beaver on their journey through Narnia. Mr. Beaver serves as a mentor and wise old man archetype. “Safe? Said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you” (Lewis 80). The children trust what Mr. Beaver tells them and he helps them determine good from evil. He takes them in and introduces them to this new

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