Pattern of a Hero: Lion King The Pattern of the Hero can be demonstrated through the story The Lion King as well as The Lion King II. The hero I chose to focus on in the story is Simba. The story begins with the hero’s father being a king. In this story Simba is the son of king Mufasa of Pride Land. He is also reputed to be a Son of God, because Simba is the supposed to the be the successor to Mufasa’s reign. During his birth an attempt was made to kill him by his uncle Scar. Not only does Scar try to kill Simba but also his brother and king, Mufasa in order to gain the throne. Therefore, Scar purposefully lures Simba and Mufasa into stampede of wild beast. Simba was lucky and spirited away as he escaped the stampede
Simba’s heroic qualities don’t just stand out when he is found by Nala begging him to return to Pride Rock to save everyone and the community, but also when he meets Pumbaa and Timon. He is learning how to survive on his own and how to be a true friend. Simba shows all characteristics of a hero throughout his journey, it begins with his separation from his family, and his choice to runaway. Simba has to deal with guilt and is tested emotionally, he has been told that he killed his father and needs
Character summary: Mufasa from the Lion King Mufasa is one of the main characters of the movie he is also the tragic hero of the story. Mufasa is the father of Simba. Mufasa was ready to go beyond any forces to protect Simba no matter what it takes. When Scar, Mufasas brother, sets him up so that he could take Mufasas place, Scar tells him that Simba has been caught in a stampede so Mufasa sacrificed his own life for his son’s.
Spurred by the arrival of his childhood girlfriend, Nala, Simba concludes that he must return home, defeat Scar, and assume his rightful place on the throne. However, his attempt initially fails and Scar chases Simba to the edge of a cliff, thus bringing about the same situation in that Mufasa died in years ago. At this moment, Scar whispers the truth of Mufasa’s death to Simba. Triggered by Scar's confession, Simba defies all odds and heroically leaps up off the edge of the rock and forces Scar to confess to Mufasa's murder. After Scar’s confirmation, Simba feeds Scar to the hyenas that were once his allies. Finally, Simba claims his rightful kingship of Pride Rock, thus rejuvenating and restoring the balance of the kingdom, and leaving a sense of boon. Nonetheless, had it not been for the presence of supernatural forces guiding him along his journey, Simba would have never been able to complete his mental development in the jungle which led to his decision of coming back.
Rafiki teaches him that, "you can either run from the past, or learn from it." This statement is important because Simba needed to put the death of his father behind him instead of running from it. Simba realizes he needs to return to his rightful place as king. The struggles he knows he must face are regaining his kingdom and defeating Scar.
Mufasa was the brother that was more extroverted, he had the throne, the strength, and all the good looks. Throughout the scenes in the movie you could see Mufasa had a personality of someone that was a strong, proud, and the dominant ruler of his kingdom. He was willing to protect his kingdom prepared to fight when he thought Scar had challenged him. He did all of that until his death, dying when recusing Simba from the stampede of wildebeest. He puts his trust into his brother who very easily betrayed him. Scar was the more introverted brother, he was much smarter than Mufasa, but didn’t have the looks, and his longing for the throne made him very deceptive. He produced the plan to at first kill his nephew, and then his brother. The first plan to kill Simba was by tricking him into going out into the elephant graveyard to be attacked and eaten by the hyenas. When that didn’t work he came up with the plan to kill Mufasa by not actually having to do it himself, giving the hyenas instructions when to create the stampede in which he had placed Simba right down in the middle of, knowing Mufasa would try to save him, because that is his son. These two brothers were very different Scar had a dark side going on while Mufasa was more of the bright light. One could say the message is that it it is brawn over brains which gets you money, power, and respect in the world we are living in
While most family genres avoid death, this film showcases the death scene of Mufasa, who was murdered by Scar. This makes the audience feel relatable towards the film as death is a natural part of life. Another real life situation is the guilt of Simba. Scar blamed Simba for the death of his father, and Simba feeling tremendous guilt, runs away from home. He lets his guilt eat him up, and that made him incapable of returning home to face his family.
In the beginning, Mufasa takes Simba early in the morning to watch the sunrise, the mixture of colors and light symbolizes the beauty, health, and powerful land of Pride rock. Mufasa teaches Simba about the kingdom of Pride Rock, how to be king, and how to survive the quest Simba was going to take later on in the movie. In this scene, when Mufasa tells Simba that he will not always be there for him, to save him, and that someday he will be in the tars of the sky looking down on him like the ancestors in the stars do now, foreshadowing that something will happen to Mufasa. This explains Mufasa being the mentor because he teaches Simba the tasks he needs to do to survive and prepares him for what is to come.
Nala explains the wretched condition of the Pride Lands since Scar became King and urges Simba to return. Simba comes in contact with the wise baboon. He hesitates out of fear, and out of his rebellion he has a vision of his father that prompts him to return home. When he returns he challenges Scar and wins. He becomes King of the Pride Lands as his father had taught him he would. Nala gives birth to a cub of their own completing the circle of life.
As a result of his disobedience, Simba is put in grave danger and subsequently rescued by his father in a way similar to how God delivers and redeems those who stray from him. Mufasa assures Simba that he will always be there to watch over him, saying, “Yes... So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you … And so will I.” The stories continues on until reaching what is perhaps its most climactic point, in which Mufasa dies to save Simba’s life in an act so clearly driven by unconditional love.
After Simba ran away he met Simon and Pumba, two friends that he made while growing up had taught him "Hakuna Matata, it means no worries" where don’t worry so much. Rafiki , the monkey had demonstrated that he may have it him on the head but its in the past, and had said he can either run from it or learn from it. So in the end Simba realized that he has to go back home and reclaim what was rightfully his and save his kingdom from Scars
The lion king is an animated Disney film. The movie is about a lion, Named Mufasa, who rules over his land called “pride rock.” He has a son named Simba who is the main Protagonist in the film. He will inherit the throne since he is the king’s son. This is where scar (Main Antagonist) comes in. Scar is angered by this. Scar decides he going to find a way to kill Simba and mufasa. Scar also is the brother of mufasa and the uncle of Simba. Scar ends up killing mufasa. Scar runs Simba off into the jungle. After several years passed by, Simba grows up and discovered that his uncle is responsible for the death of his father. He overtakes the throne from scar and kills him in the process. The lion king is considered to be one of the greatest Disney movies ever made. Its competition usually for that top title is 1991 Disney classic “Beauty and The Beast.”
Although The Lion King and Macbeth seems like two different stories. One is set in the medieval era while the other is set in postmodernity, but both displays the similarities of the character’s strategic battle for power. Scar, known as the villain in the movie, The Lion King, committed selfish acts to fulfill his distorted desires. As Simba was at the edge of the cliff, about to be murdered by Scar, Scar snarled at him, “That [is] the way your father looked before I killed him” (The Lion King). Simba leaped up from the side of the cliff, and pushed Scar to the ground demanding him to confess to his crime of killing the king, his father, Mufasa. This quote proves that Scar’s ambition leads him to do ruthless acts, wanting to kill Simba, who was next in line of the throne. These malevolent plots are what fuels the battle of evil against the good. Scar stated to his three murders, the Hyenas, “We [are] going to kill him. And Simba, too” (The Lion King). In the movie, The Lion King, shows that Scar is resentful of the king, Mufasa, and the power he retains. In this quote, he plans a plot on who he wants to kill with the three hyenas to help him finish the deed, which shows his strong ambitions. Another
On the other hand, in Disney's The Lion King, Simba's father is killed after he falls from a cliff into a herd of antelope. Simba falls into a deep depression after Scar twists things around and convinces Simba that he is the one responsible for Mufasa's death. Simba can not deal with what has happened and Simba exiles himself where he meets a warthog and meerkat, named Timon and Pumbaa, and develops a carefree lifestyle with them. Later on in the story, as an adult, Simba returns to the Pride Lands to reclaim the throne from Scar.
After Simba’s father died, when he was very young, Simba runs away and grows up without his mother. Nala and Sarabi are shows bathing their children. When Simba grows up, he looks exactly like Mufasa, showing that muscular and powerful males will triumph
Thesis: Simba proves himself a hero throughout the story by taking on an adventure that would soon lead him to becoming the King of the Pride Land.