
Lisa Is A Candidate For Interventions That Address Her

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Lisa is a candidate for interventions that address her traumatic past, her attachment disruptions, and the internalizing behaviors. She could possibly benefit from Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) treatment or CBT. Her internalizing behaviors may impart be associated with her insecure attachment that was a result of her not feeling safe and aforementioned disruptions with attachment figures. The attachment theory has been well researched and studies have made a correlation between disruptions in attachment and mental health issues. “Negative experiences and disruptions of these affectional and security bonds in both humans and animals, through loss, separation, threat or separation, misattunement, violence, abuse, or neglect, …show more content…

That being said, I feel that Lisa would benefit from individual therapy, where her core beliefs, her schemas, attachment style, thoughts and feelings, and traumatic loss/grief can be further explored. Her individual goals would be discussed with Lisa. She could also openly discuss her desires regarding her living situation when her grandfather was not participating. In order for the ARC intervention to be utilized her grandfather and ideally the foster parents would have to participate. This would be challenging due to the grandfather’s mental illness, his assumptions regarding Lisa’s anxiety and depression being a result of the loss of her mother, and his resistance to an ongoing relationship with the foster parents. Prior to this intervention, it could possibly benefit this family system to give the grandfather psychoeducation on attachment with the desired effect being that he would be an open and a willing participate. If the grandfather would agree to the intervention the ARC intervention could begin.
“The ARC framework is a components-based model that identifies three core domains of intervention for children who have experienced trauma and their caregiving systems: attachment, self-regulation, and competency (Blaustein, M & Kinniburgh, K., p.36, 2008). There are three parts of ARC, which are referred to as blocks; the attachment blocks, the self-regulation blocks, and the competency blocks. All sections will

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