
Lisbeth Ortega Application Of Education Essay

Decent Essays

Lisbeth Ortega
Applications of Education In my internship course I have gained a lot of knowledge of how a preschool is run. The teacher must follow a handbook that specifically instructs them how to teach a lesson. It’s the teacher's responsibility to create activities that relate to the topic. The lesson must extend to different parts of the New Jersey curriculum. For example math, literacy, project based learning, science, etc.

In the classroom the children are putting their final touches to the building project. Every child had a specific job for the project. It was in between being a plumber, electrician, painter, and carpenter. I was instructed to create a file that had a child picture and dialogue.The following day we were brought into the William Paterson campus.The environment and the professors were very welcoming. We first went into a meeting that involved teacher discussions.The question was “What Schools should focus on.” A lot of teachers had great topics to discuss such as “How could we find money for schools?” I took the advantage to ask a question as well “How could we involve technology in classrooms for the new generation.” This was a topic that I truly was interested in since we talked about it a lot in …show more content…

We were grouped to have a discussion about education and diversity. It was such an amazing experience to have the opportunity to give my opinion in some of the questions without being judge. One question that stood out the most to me was “Is it teacher responsibility to promote diversity?” My answer was yes. As a future teacher I want my students to grow up with a different mentality of the world. Meaning racism, labeling, bullying and violence is bad. In our generation there is a such thing as two fathers or mothers. I want acceptance and respect in my classroom. The best way to change a person's mind is to start out young and teach them about these

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