
Literacy Narrative Introduction

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Kailey Fry The Book of Life
Literacy Narrative Introduction
In Situated Literacies, David Barton, and Mary Hamilton said, “Literacy practice offers a powerful way of conceptualizing the link between the activities of reading and writing and the social structures in which they are embedded and which they shape.” In other words, “In the simplest sense literacy practices are what people do with literacy.” Here are a few things you can think about. Have you ever thought about the thing you love the most has some sort of literacy practice involved? What has shaped your literacy practice? This paper has me really thinking about how I use literacy in my religion and how it has made me become the person …show more content…

I set up a date for my interview with Pastor Andrew to become part of a team. I explained to them how I wanted to make a difference with them, grow closer to God, and become a better leader. I ended up becoming part of the Student Leader Team. We had meetings at five thirty three times a month before church. They would put us in different positions in the church like sound booth, greeter, snack stand, and walker. Every Wednesday but one we would switch off and sometimes we would have the same one every week. During my meetings we would have a discussion over a leadership book we received when we joined. We would read passages and right our answers about the leadership style we saw and how God came into the situation. Also, I would take surveys in the packet to see what type of leader I am. That taught me that relationships are one of my highest skills when it comes to leadership. That taught me that me more about myself and that I care about the relationships with the people around me. It became valuable when I got put into a team aspect where I had to work with others. An example is when we put together our Christmas party for our whole youth group we all had to decide what theme we wanted, the food, time, and how we were going to spread the word about it. We all worked together as a team and had all different leadership roles that we each played. Overall the …show more content…

My mom warned me that it would be too much for me to balance. I was already involved in coloabash, senior board, student council, cheer, applied leadership, and worked at Francesca’s. Plus trying to find the right college and fill out all the applications. It turned out my mom was right and I started not being able to go to the student leader meetings and some of the event. I ended up having a meeting with pastor Andrew and his wife to talk about why I have been missing so much and explained how busy I was, so they told me I needed to work on time management skills and how they wanted me to be on their team. I ended up not making it to the next few meetings due to work and cheer. We ended up having another meeting and this time we both came to the conclusion that I needed to be taken off the student leader team since it was not fair for the people that were showing up. I do not regret the time I spent being apart of the student leader team. I have started to read more books about becoming a leader and applying them to my

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