
Literacy Skills Are Scarce: Can We Save Them?

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Literacy Skills Are Scarce: Can We Save Them? Literacy skills in high schools are becoming scarce. Students have become more involved in technology and shortcuts rather than learning materials that he or she will need throughout the rest of their lives. Many high school students lack the reading and writing skills that they need in order to further their education and progress into the workforce. “The percent of Denver Public Schools high school students reading at grade level dropped between 2002 and 2005, from 40 percent to 37 percent” (Hubbard and Mitchell par. 4). The statistics shown for just three short years says a lot about our education system and how educators need to do more to help students. Years down the road, there is going to be a greater decline in students’ academic abilities. Response to Intervention (RTI) is an idea that has been floating around for a few years but it has never been in action. The major purposes of RTI are to prevent failure and to diagnose less apparent and/or unnoticed learning disabilities (King, Lemons, and Hill 7). College is becoming a necessity in America; therefore, adequate literacy skills are essential in order to achieve a college education. School administrators should engage in the research and implementation in RTI literacy frameworks and/or literacy programs because secondary students are not getting the literacy skills they need in order to succeed in higher levels of education or in the workforce. There are three

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