
Literary Analysis : ' A Wonderful Novel '

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While reading Rebecca, a wonderful novel, many people can interpret different themes for this book. As I read I thought this literary work can have many themes. However, the one theme that stuck out to me the most is that those who pass away will always leave behind memories, however these memories can disrupt and hinder other people’s lives. After finishing the book and looking at gothic elements that go with this book, I am deep-rooted with the fact that secondary character with a disability will offer words of unusual insight and truth, hero-villains who are haunted by the past, and individual character who see themselves at the mercy of the forces out of their control show that the memories of those who have passed can hinder and disrupt those who are living.
The secondary character with a disability will offer words of unusual insight and truth is a gothic novel which depicts how memories can hinder people’s lives. When the narrator meets Ben for the first time he is aloof, however, when the narrator strikes up a conversation with him; he beginnings to open up. While they talk he says “you won’t put me in the asylum will1? You’re not like the other one (Page 154)” once he states this it gives foreshadowing on how Rebecca truly acted. This insight that is given from Ben can be seen as the memories of Rebecca still lingering at Manderly and that this memory still haunts Ben. This memory still haunts Ben because it disrupts his life and makes him worry about whether he

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