
Literary Analysis Of Young Goodman Brown

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Young Goodman Brown In the story of Young Goodman Brown, as a reader we see many circumstances where Hawthorne uses irony in straightforward situations. I have learned from reading several of the author’s works that it is up to the reader to decide the meaning behind his stories. In this paper, I will be discussing the significance of the title, Young Goodman Brown and how I believe there is more to the story than what Hawthorne writes. Young Goodman Browns journey within the forest revealed truths not only within him, but within human nature and society. On page, 1103 Goodman Brown states “there may be a devilish Indian behind every tree.” When defining irony, we think of it as an expression of ones meaning that normally signifies the opposite. This made me think of the irony behind the “good” in Goodman Browns name. Hawthorne makes us think that the character is a “good man” with only but the best intentions towards God. However, I believe it show cases the opposite behind the character’s name. Throughout the story Goodman Brown shouts his faith and devotion for God, but behind every man’s faith is curiosity.
Faith is all Goodman Brown has known. He had even married a Faith. The double meaning of Faith within this story shows major Irony for us as the readers. Brown marrying a Faith was almost shown as he made the biggest devotion towards God. The main character has put every ounce of Faith he has into his life that would completely give himself to God forever. This is

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