
Literary Analysis : Strange Fruit

Good Essays

Strange Fruit
Redeait G. Meaza
Towson University

Strange Fruit
Will my black and African American people ever have a happy ending? Will we be afraid to sing, write poetry about our trials and tribulations or will we rise and stand for freedom because we no longer want to be consider as a strange fruit, but as one beautiful ripe fruit. To have confident is one thing, but to have courage is another thing and not everyone carriers this trait, but the ones that do make an impact. Now let’s talk about having power and strength through a song.
Why it was created?
“Strange Fruit” wasn’t always a song it was originally a poem called “Bitter Fruit.” “Strange Fruit was composed, originally, by Abel Meeropol, a Brooklyn High School English …show more content…

The African American tenets that were displayed in the song is rhetoric of community and resistance because Allan was stating what was going on in communities during the 1930’s without shying away about how blacks were being mistreated not like human beings. Lynching only happened in black community.
The only way black people were able to express their pain was through music. Allan felt like for this song to make a more powerful impact he asked Billie Holiday if she could sing it because she has such a strong voice that can really project the message behind the song. By labeling black women's musical discourse as one of voicelessness, I specifically draw on black feminist theories addressing the "politics of silence" (Higginbotham 1992, 266), which discouraged black women's public disclosure of their sexuality, and the "culture of dissemblance" (Hine 1995, 380), which created the illusion of sexual openness while in actuality it "shielded the truth of [black women's] inner lives and selves from their oppressors" (Hine 1995, 380). The purpose of the song is a cry for action. Although Holiday didn’t experience seeing the lynching she was able to grasp the concept of the song. Holiday says, "When [Allen] showed me that poem, I dug it right off. It seemed to spell out all the things that had killed Pop [who died of pneumonia in a segregated hospital ward]" (Holiday [1956] 1984,

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