
Literary Analysis: The Pink Hat

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Literary Analysis Essay

Everyone is created equal, and since we are all equal, we should all be treated equal. Sometimes people don't realize this and they treat others based on their race. In "The Pink Hat" and "Amir" two colored people were treated very poorly. They were not treated the way the white people were, which was not fair.

It is very important to not judge someone by race. In "Amir" an Indian man is ignored by the locals, because of his race. Then Amir grew a garden, where he grew eggplants. The people in the town loved the eggplants and he got attention. Amir also helped stop a robber, who tried to steal a woman's purse. Amir was very happy to feel part of the community. Amir made a lot of small talk with the other people of Cleveland. One of them was an old lady who snapped at him calling Amir a "dirty rotten foreigner." This was before she got to know Amir, which is why you should never judge someone because of their race. The lady apologized saying, "I didn't know it was you." She was remorseful, because she just now found out how nice Amr was as a person. You should never judge someone by their race, but by their personality. …show more content…

In the short story "The Pink Hat", and African woman, named Sarah, was treated based on her race. As an African she was treated poorly by others. Then she put on a pink hat, which hid her face, where nobody could tell what race she is. The woman enjoyed being treated the same way white people were. Sarah referred the pink hat as "My magic carpet, my enchanted cloak, my Aladdin's lamp." With the hat on, Sarah could enjoy things such as opera and good doctors. During Sarah's luxurious day, while watching a play, she broke her ankle. When she was taken to a doctor he said, "No, it is against the rules of the osteopathic association to serve Negroes." Sarah soon recovered from her injuries and was happy to be back to her old, normal life as an African American

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