
Literary Criticism In Cardinal Richelieu

Good Essays

Alfredo Camacho
Dr. Fontes
3 October 2017

Book Review Poetry is a form of art that serves the purpose to express the writer's opinions, and also combat oppressive forces without the use of any physical force. These writers can relate to the expression by the playwright and novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton in the play Cardinal Richelieu, “The pen is mightier than the sword”(BBC); this expression serves as a metaphor in its own right as the nature describes the effect of words to provide a stronger impact on the intended audience than any kind of violence would. This term ties in perfectly with the ideas of Chicanx; the Chicanx perspective of life is oppression and the dangers of racial tensions and manners to dethrone those who impose that on others. They have long fought against the unfair forces that have come against them, and have been involved in many violent forms of protest. With Cesar Chavez becoming more invested in the peaceful form of protesting to gain trust and momentum in the campaigns they were in, more and more writers began to express their feelings and place their own two cents into the mixture of ideas. Often long stories are made in effort to express a personal form of how life is changing and growing fears are turning into, however some writers chose to use poetry as their version of a weapon against the oppressing forces. A poem is much shorter and does not provide the sufficient build up that can be placed into a Chicano novel, but the effect of

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