
Literary Techniques Used In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

Decent Essays

Symbolism is a literary technique that many writers like to use. In short, it is the use of symbols to represent qualities or ideas. This is largely the case in Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery.” “The Lottery” is a short fiction that uses many techniques of symbolism to define itself as a darker, yet meaningful short story. The symbolic messages within “The Lottery” include the atmosphere, the characters of the story, and the black box. In “The Lottery,” Shirley Jackson displays a lot of symbolism with the atmosphere of the story. In the beginning, it seems to be an almost perfect day. Families are getting ready and hurrying to be there on time. Kids are picking up rocks for the purpose of the meeting. The setting Shirley Jackson wants to create is one of great comfort. While the story is ironically far from being one of great comfort, the author wants to make readers see that this is not only normal to the people of the village, but that they accept it as something of great importance. The atmosphere is being painted to symbolize the overall feel of the people of the village …show more content…

Mr. Summers seems to be very cheerful and joyous at times, and his name represents the time of year where people tend to be most light-hearted. He is later revealed to be one of the prominent figures of the lottery as he prepares the slips and draws them from the black box. Old Man Warner is an older gentleman who has participated in seventy-seven lotteries. He cautions the people of the other villages who have decided not to continue the lottery. His name symbolizes his nature of warning the village of the dangers of not continuing the lottery. Mr. Harry Graves is the postmaster who helps Mr. Summers get ready for the lottery. His last name exemplifies the danger and impending outcome of “The

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