
Literature In Travel Literature

Better Essays

Travel literature plays a significant role in literature in the present scenario. Travel literature as a genre developed from 16th century. It gained wide recognition from 18th century onwards. This article ‘William Darlymple: A Travel Writer’ is divided into six parts including Introduction and conclusion. It explains the significance of travel literature briefly in ‘Introduction’ and then explains about the importance of travel literature in India. Slowly, the article penetrates into the subject taking William Darlymple as an example of travel writer giving brief interpretation about his book ‘The Age of Kali’. This article also speaks few draw backs in Darlymple’s narration and concludes.
Key words: Travel literature, The Age of Kali, a panaroma of Indian Sub continent, Dark corner.

Introduction: Travel literature, a genre that records the movement of human beings from one place to …show more content…

He is an award winning historian and travel writer. His area of interest includes the history of India, Pakistan, Afganisthan, the Middle East, Mughal rule, the Muslim World, Hinduism, Buddhism and Jains. Most of his books have won literary prizes. His books are travel and historical accounts. His books have been translated into 30 languages. He is a regular contributor to ‘The New York’, ‘Review of Books’, The Guardian, ‘The New Statesman’, and The New Yorker’. He has also written many articles for Time Magazine. He wrote an essay ‘Business as usual for the India Charges Ahead’. It was a special issue commemorating 60 years of Indian Independence. To bring accuracy to his writings, he juxtaposed the literary and non-literary sources and to provide meticulous material with no single error, he reached to the places that were referred in the sources. He enquired the people of that area and provided direct word and eye witness. One of the books that analyze and interpret the present society is ‘The Age of

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