
Literature Review on the Importance of Food Safety to International and National Organizations

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Literature Review Review of the Topic Food safety is of paramount concern to international and national organizations to protect populations from access to potentially harmful foods. In recent years, Foods have been found to be contaminated that traveled from one country to another, but there was also an issue with foods that simply went from an organic farm to a restaurant. The issue has become more worrisome because it is easier for international companies to sell their products abroad since many trade agreements allow for the movement of produce and because it is many times more profitable to deal in foods from other regions where labor and transportation are less expensive. One of the primary concerns that experts have is with bacterial strains that are becoming more resistant to means of control such as antibiotics and thermal modification. Researchers and food safety officers have used many different means of measuring the presence of these pathogens in the food supply, but there has not been one that has shown a great level of promise over another. The problem here is that the testing is not uniform across agencies, and there is not consensus method for performing any one test. However, scientists are beginning to find that the Miles and Mersa drop-test method may be superior to other mean that have been tried. Studies have also been more concerned with food safety as it applies to pre-packaged food stuffs because that has become a more common means of

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