
Little Miss Sunshine : Movie And Story Behind It

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Little Miss Shine was great movie and had great life story behind it. Based off from Janzen et al., 2005, the family fit with the evidence-based treatment of families with multiple problems, including income loss and poverty. In the movie the family experienced multiple source of internal and external stress (Janzen et al., 2005). At the beginning of the movie Little Miss Sunshine, it is straightforward that the entire family is unhappy and dysfunctional. Everyone in the family represent some of the common issues in today society. Some of these are LGBT rights, depression, drug use, teenage problems, bankruptcy and suicide. Each member is struggling with something painful. For example with the nicotine addicted mother who is struggling to keep the family happy, the dad who is obsessed with positive mindsets and winning, the drug addicted grandfather, the suicidal, depressed, and homosexual uncle Frank, the teenage brother, Dwayne who has taken a vow of silence until he arrive at his goal of becoming a pilot and the main character, Olive who dreams of becoming a beauty queen. In the movie each member has something about them that society would deem unacceptable. But everything can use strength perspective. Regardless of what the family was going through the family has great strengths. Some of the family strengths are honesty, dedication to family tasks and responsibilities, and sticking together. As therapist for this family, the best way to intervene is to help them

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