
Liver Cancer Essay

Decent Essays

Cancer starts when cells start to grow out of control and spread to the other parts of the body. Cancer that starts in the liver is known as liver cancer. The liver is the largest internal organ in the body and you cannot live without it. It is very important to keep the liver in a good shape and keep it healthy.
Liver cancer is a disease which begins in the cells of your liver. There are different forms of liver cancer. There is primary liver cancer. This type of cancer arises in the liver or by cancer which forms in other parts of the body and then spreads to the liver. Most liver cancer is secondary or metastatic, which means it started elsewhere in the body. The most common form of liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma, which begins in the main type of liver cell. The other type is cholangiocellular carcinoma, which develops in the bile duct. Also, …show more content…

It is estimated to be responsible for nearly 746,000 deaths in 2012. In the United States the American Cancer Society’s estimates for primary liver cancer is about 39,230 new cases (28,410 in men and 10,820 in women) will be diagnosed and about 27,170 people (18,280 men and 8,890 women) will die of these cancers. In Oregon the data of liver cancer is 12.82 compared to the United States death rate of liver cancer is about 10.43. Linn county is ranked 18 and the death rate is 11.74. Liver cancer can be very deadly and it doesn't have to necessarily start at the liver. A leading risk factor in the U.S. and Europe is cirrhosis, a scarring of liver tissue by viruses, toxins, or interrupted blood flow. In Africa and South Asia, the viruses; hepatitis B and C are the leading precancerous diseases because hepatitis has long been endemic in those areas, whereas in the United States it is not widespread. In the United States most children get vaccinated at a very young age, while it is a problem in the third world

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