Kuwait began as a nomadic population in the span of two hundred years it shifted from nomadic to an urban population. The homes in Kuwait still to this day depict the strong influence of Islam and the culture of desert life. They have an inner courtyard that a rectangular shaped home is organized around. With the homes having an inner courtyard it allows them to have an open environment that is still enclosed. This helps to protect from sunlight of arid desert climate as well as the strong wind. The homes usually form cluster together this helps to keep the families together to include the extended family. When families begin to outgrow their homes with the addition of children through marriage families will build more rooms onto the home. …show more content…
In Kuwait the official language is Arabic however English is spoken widely throughout the country. Between the ages of six and fourteen it is mandatory for children to attend school which in the country of Kuwait it is free. After the grade of kindergarten most of the schools in the country are segregated by the basis of gender despite the fact that the government stresses how valuable and important education is for children regardless of their gender. Kuwait has a high literacy percentage of 79 percent, 75 percent of the population that is female are literate while 82 percent of the male population is literate with that in mind the government of Kuwait’s definition of literacy it that a person over the age of fifteen must be capable of writing and reading. In Kuwait there is only one college and or university however even though there is only one school and the fact that the government places such a high regard on education the government will award scholarships to many of the Kuwaitis that strive to pursue higher education for themselves. If people the in the country of Kuwait want to purse knowledge in areas for example electronics, air-conditioning, and diesel as well as petrol engines which are all necessary of all of the major industries that are located in Kuwait there are several post-secondary technical institutes for them.
Kuwait as well as in many other Islamic countries throughout the world use the art of calligraphy is one of the most longstanding and
Another common Islamic artwork was calligraphy, which is illustrated in Figure II. It was described as the most important of all elements in Islamic art. This art was considered dignified, due to its association with the Muslims Holy Book Koran, temple and palace inscriptions, and its use in
In Towards a Phenomenology of Dwelling, Lisa Guenther puts forth thought on dwelling, and doing so responsibly. She brings up the idea of a person’s daimon, which I like to think of as a person’s conscious. It tells you the possible things that you can do, both good and bad, but ultimately, only you can decide what you will do. The visual of an angel and the devil sitting upon either shoulder comes to my mind. Others are more aware of your daimon than you are, and this is because there are parts of yourself that you do not see. Whether this be physical, like your habits, tendencies, and body language or not visible like your desires, most of the time, others are more aware of this than you are. Desires influence every decision that you make,
Another common Islamic artwork was calligraphy, which is illustrated in Figure II. It was described as the most important of all elements in Islamic art. This art was considered dignified, due to its association with the Muslims Holy Book Koran, temple and palace inscriptions, and its use in writing Arabic scripts. This art of beautiful writing was extended to other arts like, pottery, metalwork, stone, and glass, among others.
Over the past decades, Kuwait, like most Islamic countries have practiced strict measures in terms of their governance system with lots of times the religious aspect influencing greatly the kind of government in place and the type of governance that is used within Kuwait. This resulted in a closed, less democratic, religious, stereotypical and generally patriarchal society. This has however undergone a lot of change particularly with the embracing of the Western culture that is more open, diverse and liberal in nature.
The calligraphy art was used by Turkish artists to display relevant characteristics of the Ottoman Empire. Many progress occurred with the time in the calligraphic art, later on, calligraphy form of Jeli was produced, and this form of calligraphy can be applied to any of the calligraphic scripts. This form of calligraphy art was used in the wall decoration and
This was a time when Islamic art differed from that of the Roman and Byzantine Empire and started to depict images and symbols of their beliefs. For example, the use of calligraphy as a decorative art was not only for aesthetic purposes, but also a way for Muslims to connect with the Qu’ran, their Holy Book. Writing the words of the Qu’ran was a way for them to worship Allah and receive divine blessings at the same time. They would also write stories of the prophet Mohammed and write dedication stones on Islamic buildings. The calligraphy also shows how important the Arabic language was to the Muslims because it was crucial for prayer and to understand the Qu’ran. Calligraphy as an art form demonstrates how important literacy was in Islam at the
To begin, one of the major problems in education is that education is unbalanced based on certain groups of people, including academic level, location, etc. According to the speakingbooks.com, “One in five people are illiterate today, ⅔ being women.” Women are still stereotyped as trivial, and are not provided the education that a man would get. Speakingbooks.com also states, “98% of illiterate people are concentrated in three key areas: South and West Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Arab States.” Different countries have certain resources and help, which allows them to provide a better education to their citizens. Poorer countries, like South West Asia and
What is home? If one looks in a dictionary the answer would come out to be, “The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.” However, for anyone who has had an actual home, they would know that such a term goes much beyond its concrete description. It is an impassioned aspect filled with values and foundation of nurturing. A home is not just an abode built to live in; in fact, that is just a definition of a house. Home is a place where one not only feels comfortable, but a place they look forward to opportunely live in every day. A home is built not by bricks or wood, but with the bond of family. A home is a place that reminds a person of countless memories and values when he walks through a
The art world holds many masterpieces. Some speak in volumes and pull you into them without any sort of hesitation, while as some gently whisper and invite you in with simplistic modesty. Whether or not the viewer understands the meaning or what the purpose of the piece, it is acceptable to not understand and to be left with thought provoking questions. Painted, sculpted, welded, designed, animated, photographed, composed art is all alive and each so imperfectly unique and perfectly bland it could cause a shift in anyone’s mind. Out of control and in perfect order art exists, it exists in chaos and harmony.
The words home and house are often used synonymously, but is a house really a home?
Imagine not being able to attend school as a child. Imagine how much of an impact that would have on the rest of a human life. Everyday in the region of the Middle East, women are prohibited in some areas from attending school. Without basic knowledge, they cannot obtain jobs and their health conditions are lowered. Even if education is offered, it does not have a positive impact because it is of little quality. Despite the deeply rooted gender roles in the Middle East, women should be offered the same education as men.
In the United States, a child needs there education and they’re required to go to school by law. Getting a education for a girl in the middle east is very rare, it all depends on the family. BBC News published a article Muslim Women Struggle for an education, and they asked parents why they did not allow their girls to go to school and they said “because it’s wrong, it’s irreligious, it’s improper- they should stay at home to prepare for their real life, their married life”. The girls have no option and have to obey their parents. A lack of education means that these girls are not going to have the knowledge in order to read, write, and solve mathematic problems . Women in the Middle East are not considered equal with males because the society they live in doesn't accept the idea of them having equal opportunity as male
While I am sitting in front of my computer, figuring out what assignment is due next week or even more, what is due tomorrow, I keep repeating myself: I which there is another me to split the workload. I know that I am behind with my house chores, hence I keep reminding myself, I need to cut the grass on the back yard. I stopped thinking about the house chores and I finally begin writing a proposal that will be due next week. “Hey, have you paid the note for the car yet”, my wife interrupted me while I was barely getting to write the beginning memo of my proposal. “No not yet, I replied”. “I been busy with school work and other stuff.” “Damn, if you don’t pay it by tomorrow we will pay a late fee”, my wife answered. “Ok, Ok, just let
Home has an elastic definition that changes depending on the person. Home, to me, can be anywhere in the world as long as you are with the people you care about most. As toddlers may seek comfort with a stuffed animal or blanket, I find the comfort of home through my GoPro. A GoPro is a type of camera that is small, durable, and has a plethora of attachments. When the first version was released, I wanted one to capture the action footage of my life. Finally, I saved enough money to purchase one of my own. I bought the GoPro because I love spending time with my family and friends while taking part in thrilling and exciting experiences together. Spending moments, like those, with the people you love is what home is about. After receiving the GoPro, I was filled with excitement to be able to start capturing my adventures. Ultimately, wherever I am, I am likely to be found with the GoPro, for it provides me with comfort knowing I have the ability to capture the irreplaceable and priceless memories of the people I love.
Education remains to be the priority of all nations around the globe. Most countries devote vast resources to guarantee equal education opportunities to all their students. Most education systems are developed to meet the economic and social demands of the country, both locally and globally. As the world’s 8th highest education spender, Saudi Arabia initiates an overhaul on the education system. It is the largest country in the Middle East. The Saudi Arabian education has gone through an astounding transformation. Initially, education was only available to few people who were children of the wealthy families. However, the transformation of the Saudi Education is now offering education to all children regardless of their social status.