
Essay on Living With Down Syndrome

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There are many different types of children with a myriad of needs in our school system. Included within this group of students are those who are diagnosed with Down syndrome. There are more than 250,000 people living in the United States with a Down syndrome diagnosis (Genetics). Down syndrome is not a hidden disability rather it has physical attributes that can make the diagnosis obvious. Furthermore, individuals with Down syndrome and their families have to cope with multiple health issues, cognitive limitations, and the stigma of having a disability. In order to understand the struggle that people with Down syndrome must face from the beginning of their life, we must first understand where the diagnosis came from. Down syndrome was …show more content…

The error is known as non-disjunction, which occurs in cell division at the moment of conception (Olney). Though scientists have been able to pin point the origin of down syndrome to this specific moment, there is little knowledge as to why the non-disjunction occurs in the first place. Early detection is possible through amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, which is a test done to check for any chromosomal abnormalities while the baby is still in utero (Olney). Women that are over the age of 35 are recommended to have this test completed because they are at risk of the abnormalities occurring (Olney) One of the abnormalities is that they have a higher chance of having a child that has Down syndrome. Even without early detection tests it is still possible to determine if a person has Down syndrome. This is done through karyotyping which is a test of the number of chromosomes in a sample of body cells (Crocker). The test also looks at the size and the shape of the chromosomes. This testing helps to identify if there are extra, missing or abnormal positioning of the chromosomes (Karyotype Test). Trisomy 21 is the most common cause of Down syndrome. It accounts for 95 percent of cases, Translocation Down Syndrome accounts for 4 percent and Mosaic Down Syndrome accounts for only 1 percent (Crocker). Trisomy 21 has three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two

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