
Lockdown Reflection

Decent Essays

Every day of my freshman year, excluding Wednesdays, Daylight by Matt and Kim blared over the speakers at 8:26 A.M., alerting stragglers that they had 60 seconds to hurry up and get to second hour. I rushed to my honors chemistry/physics class, eager for the day to continue moving at its currently fast pace. The end of the school year was quickly looming and to relieve the stress off some of the students, my teacher had us participate in an inspirational activity for the entirety of the period. The purpose of this activity was to have students anonymously express to other students the positive characteristics that they embraced. So far, it seemed like an excellent day, but the irony of this particular activity is one that will never be forgotten. May 12, 2015 actually marked one of the worst events to have occurred at my school, and it is one that will forever leave an impact on my life and the way that I view social media. Not long into second period, school administrators alerted the school resource officer that there was someone on campus carrying a firearm. The school instantly went on lockdown. Having never experienced a real lockdown before and unaware of the current situation, most students did not take this lockdown with seriousness. Minutes passed and our little game continued on, but some people had abandoned it because they were anxiously awaiting news about the lockdown; this lockdown was taking longer than previous drills we had practiced. I still had my head

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