
Logical Inference In The Book 'I Love Everybody Poops'

Decent Essays

Logical inferences and logical scope are related terms, and both are important for the LSAT. Let’s take a look at both concepts. Logical Inferences Logical inferences are pieces of information derived from statements that we either know to be true or assume to be true for the purpose of argument. In other words, inferences are statements we can deduce from other statements. If those statements are true, then the inference must also be true. Let’s look at a couple statements for an example. I love all books. Everybody Poops is a book. If both statements above are true, then we can also say with confidence: “I love Everybody Poops.” The statement “I love Everybody Poops” is not directly said anywhere in the two statements above, but we can …show more content…

For instance, if we know that “Sam is in a green room,” then we also know “Sam is in a room.” The second statement can be inferred from the first. Here’s another example: If we know “Cindy owns at least thirty books about pottery” then we also know, “Cindy owns at least twenty books about pottery.” The first claim cannot be true unless the second claim is true. We can therefore infer the second claim from the first claim. Pointing these inferences out may seem silly, but it is important to understand that these statements can in fact be logically …show more content…

Brenda is cheating on her boyfriend. I saw her at the club last night kissing a brown-haired guy, and her boyfriend is completely bald. So what is this argument talking about? The topic is Brenda cheating on her boyfriend. The inference that Brenda has a boyfriend is therefore within the scope of the argument; this assertion is a part of the argument. Saying that Brenda is a bad person, however, is not within the scope of the argument. The argument never states whether cheating is good or bad; it only says that Brenda did it. We cannot get to Brenda being a bad person unless we widen the scope of the argument by adding new information (like the judgement that cheating is bad). Let’s look at a few more potential inferences and determine whether or not they are within the scope of the above argument. Brenda was at the club last night. Within the scope of the argument! If Brenda was actually seen at the club, then she must have been there. We can make this inference without adding any extra information. Brenda knew she was cheating. Out of scope. We have no idea whether or not Brenda was aware of her actions. Nothing in the argument requires this statement to be

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