
Lombar Injury Report

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Reason for Visit: Reason for Visit: MRI results of the LUMBAR:
Dx: Low Back strain. Lumbar radiculitis.
IMPRESSION: Broad Central right-sided disc protrusion at L5-S1 of indeterminate age.
S: Aerotek TM is in HMMA Medical Clinic to follow up with Low Back strain with lumbar radicular pain that radiates down to back of his RIGHT HEEL. According to TM the incident occurred on 6/14/17. TM’s initial radicular pain was down to his left leg but now it is down to his right leg. According to TM for the past 6 weeks he hasn’t done nothing but raying around the house, and his back is not getting batter.
O: Slow but normal gait, sitting upright on the examination table without any support, able to get up and down without any assistance on the exam table; no grimace on his face, limited lumbar spine range of motion (per TM); no muscle spasm; no impairment of NVS; no muscle atrophy noted; intact reflexes, + 5 strength to lower and upper extremities, peripheral pulses +3, sensation intact; Straight leg test was negative. …show more content…

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Disposition: Return back to Full Duty; Sent Home X 1 shift for

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