
Long Beach Air Pollution

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The effect on the environment, not just shipping volume, should always be considered when, when determining the effectiveness of a port. The Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach as a complex are ranked the 10th biggest port in the world by volume, and are the 9th busiest port in the world. This high level of traffic leads to a large amount of emissions from boats, trucks, and trains. The high emissions had a major impact on the local air quality. In 2006, the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan was passed to combat the poor air quality. Notably, this strategy being produced for a global seaport was the most comprehensive reducing health risk and cutting air pollution to a minimum. Within five years of passing the Action Plan, …show more content…

Having a port in full functionality with cargo ships, oil tankers, trucks, and port traffic creates an environment of many harmful emissions. The main purpose of the act that was established between both ports to fulfill a new method to reduce emissions and through that came these five points that the act had to keep in mind before coming a final solution. Resiliency – the ability to maintain business continuity during a power outage and resume operations after a catastrophic event. Availability – access to sources of electricity necessary for present and future power demands of port operations through generation, transmission, and distribution. Reliability – would be the high-quality availability of consistent electricity meeting the demand peaks that were predicted of high demand. Efficiency- Would see reductions in energy demand and use technologies that maximize operational productivity being cost effective. Finally, the sustainability part where the economic, social, and environmental benefits are kept to a minimum coming from natural resources integrating the renewable power of energy management practices. In 2016, the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach both updated their CAAP document. In the discussion, the ports plans for expanding the aggressiveness of strategies that have succeed in dramatically reducing air pollution over the last

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