
Long Term Condition: Lucy's Case

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‘A long-term condition (LTC) is one that cannot currently be cured but can be controlled with the use of medication and/or other therapies’ (Department of Health, 2010). It is a condition of prolonged duration that may affect any aspect of any person’s life with symptoms coming and going but there is no cure (Long Term Medical Conditions Alliance (LMCA), 2007). Long-term pain has been reported to impact 70% of the population’s work ability, 80% of home life and 83% of the ability to take part in leisure activities (Patient and Client Council, 2014). There are currently 15.4 million people in England with a LTC, of which accounts for more than 50% of all GP appointments, 65% of all outpatient appointments and more than 70% of all inpatient bed days (Department of Health, 2010). Long-term pain is commonly known as chronic pain (British Pain Society, 2010).

The following assignment assesses Lucy’s case and the potential impact of having a LTC. Lucy is a 20 years old gymnast that had to retire 2 years ago due to chronic low back pain (CLBP). She was diagnosed with osteoporosis and female athlete triad on top of her CLBP, which prevented her from competing. The author expects to discuss the impact of a LTC, which in Lucy’s case is CLBP, relate her situation to a biopsychosocial model and identify the effectiveness of her coping strategies. Lastly, the assignment will discuss how a physiotherapist can aid Lucy in developing skills to manage her LTC and how a

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