
Looking Back Looking Forward Essay

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In Looking Backward, Edward Bellamy argued that one of the most significant problems facing America in 1887 was the struggle of class and the values that the everyday citizen lived by and portrayed. In the past, everyone looked after himself or herself and did not live selflessly. The view of honor was skewed and people lived for currency rather than their countries and neighbors well being. A sense of equality is never reached like it has been in the utopia of the year 2000 that Bellamy portrays. In the year of 1887 the world was not completely in turmoil but slowly heading in that direction it seemed. A fear of industrial tyranny was sweeping the nation leading to strikes. “’What should you name as the most prominent feature of the …show more content…

This rule I found was very interesting being a college student and having to choose what field of work I want to go in after graduation. These citizens were given time to work and then figure exactly what field they want to venture in and then directly go on that path. In a society based on honor to the nation, it makes a lot more sense for people to work in their passion to continue to work hard instead of going where the money takes you. Instead of making a decision and then going to learn about it to proceed, you are placed in work letting your interests blossom. The money system is has been flipped in this new world. Instead of people having currency to accumulate and save or spend to their pleasure, there is, “"A credit corresponding to his share of the annual product of the nation is given to every citizen on the public books at the beginning of each year, and a credit card issued him with which he procures at the public storehouses.” (Pg. 56-57). Now there is not an incentive to perform more hazardous or extraneous tasks. Now the workforce is fueled by the motivation of honor as if it were an army fighting for their country because ultimately they are fighting for their countries economy. “Now that industry of whatever sort is no longer self-service, but service of the nation, patriotism, passion for humanity, impel the worker as in your day

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