
Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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Lord of the Flies by William Golding and A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah are novels that address different aspects of humanity’s darker side. Lord of the Flies suggests that an extreme obsession for power can lead to a decay of morals and the acceptance of savagery; in contrast, Beah in A Long Way Gone demonstrates that fear and hatred, while they may drive people to commit violent acts, can be overcome with the help of surrounding care and support. The two texts express clear differences in that while Golding creates a fictitious story to describe how greed can simulate the descent into barbarism and the disintegration of the relationship of seemingly inseparable friends, Beah details through his autobiography his personal experiences …show more content…

His savage impulses are revealed as he becomes more violent in nature, and the difficulty in maintaining his sanity demonstrates his struggle in balancing his polite and refined manner with his newfound aggression. Jack’s destructive tendencies reaches its climax towards the end of the novel, and Piggy, serving as the voice of reason, asks him, “which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?” (Golding 180). Piggy’s question shows the split between civilization and savagery that occurs within the boys on the island due to the lack of any concrete rules. The despair and frustration felt by Piggy can be shown as he is the only boy who has managed to keep his rational way of thought, and he alone is left to witness the ultimate degradation of the others around him. Likewise, in A Long Way Gone, Beah claims that during the war “people stopped trusting each other,” and his “rule was to kill or be killed—[it] had become a daily activity, and [he] felt no pity for anyone” (Beah 17, 113, 126). According to Beah’s account, distrust is prevalent throughout the war, forcing him to adapt to the harsh reality of the situation by resorting to extreme measures that before the conflict would have been morally unacceptable. As a result, his emotions are deadened as a way to cope and survive, making him less a civilized being and more a savage murderer. Despite sharing the idea of the cruelty of

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