
Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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“The Cold War isn 't thawing; it is burning with a deadly heat,” (“Richard M. Nixon”). Many remember the long period of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, as a time of heated tensions. Each country was suspicious of the other’s contrasting form of government: the democratic government of the United States was proud of the freedoms it granted its citizens; while the Soviet Union’s ruthless dictatorship greatly limited the liberties of its people. This era created lasting views of the concept of “good versus evil”. British author William Golding wrote his novel, Lord of the Flies, during this time and it reflects this uneasy atmosphere. The character development, along with the carefully chosen symbolism of the novel suggests that Golding wrote Lord of the Flies as an allegory to the people and events of the Cold War, but also to present his future predictions for the Cold War; both of these exhibit the views of the concept of “good versus evil” prevalent at the time.
During the Cold War, United States President John F. Kennedy became a symbol for freedom, democracy, and good, rendering him the historical equivalent of Ralph in Lord of the Flies. Ralph serves as Golding’s prediction for a future American president, one that John F. Kennedy fulfilled. Ralph is elected the boys’ chief despite Piggy’s intelligence and Jack’s obvious hunger for power. His election is justified by the collective thought: “…there was a stillness about Ralph as he sat that

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