
Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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Lord of the Flies Psychology Sometimes people wear fake personas like a cloak over their shoulders, used to hide what is really underneath. This harsh reality is witnessed in William Golding’s classic Lord of the Flies, a novel that is famous for not only its sickening plot, but also for the emotional breakdowns all of its characters experience. These issues are akin to those shown in certain real-world psychological experiments. A summary of Golding’s Lord of the Flies, combined with the evidence shown in a psychological experiment referred to as “The Bystander Effect”, describe how the disturbing behaviors in each scenario parallel one another and show the dark side of humanity. The novel Lord of the Flies begins with a plane crashing onto an island, suspected to be fleeing England during World War II. The only survivors are a group of schoolboys who, despite the circumstances, are initially elated; at their age, the lack of adult supervision and the idea of a real-life adventure are too tantalizing to ignore. They set up a system in which a boy named Ralph is elected as the chief, and a white conch shell is used to both call for meetings and speak at them (Golding 33). But good things are never built to last; a boy named Jack, who is jealous of Ralph’s leadership, begins to drive a rift in the group by offering the idea of endless fun instead of work. Eventually, this consumes the boys to the extent that the prospect of rescue is forgotten and an obsession with hunting

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