
Lord Of The Flies Leadership Analysis

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Vince Lombardi once said “that leaders are not born, they are created.” This quote explains that if anyone wants to be a leader, they need to take charge and understand what the needs of everyone around them have. Leaders do not quit; they strive enough to survive the good, the bad, and the evil. In the story The Lord of The Flies, Jack was the only one to gain total control over the boys which put him as the chief over anyone on the island. Jack is the most courageous, inspirational, and spontaneous leader on that island, regardless of who was originally chosen to lead the boys. In the story, Jack was the one who took control of the boys when the beast was appearing throughout the boy’s minds. This is evidenced by Jack's words, “We ought to have rules and obey them, after all we are not savages”(Golding, 1954, p. 40). Jack announces this to the boys because he knows that in order to survive on the island, the rules are the only way to do so. His leadership roles were put to the test, and in that he takes control of everyone. It may not have been right away, but everyone soon understood that they were wrong to choose Ralph over Jack. “Ralph is like piggy. He says things like piggy. He isn't a proper chief.”(Golding, 1954, p. 80). Jack says this because he already knows that ralph is not the right leader to guide the boys. He has seen the beast up close before anyone else did but when ralph sees it, he does the opposite of what a brave leader should do, run. Good leaders

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