
Lorna Jane Research Paper

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Lorna Jane, is one of Australia’s leading active wear brands and is heavily influenced by its Social Media platforms. According to an article written by Jessica Gardner in the BRW,
“The social media platform drives 10 per cent of all traffic to the Lorna Jane website and that traffic accounts for revenue equivalent of that from two physical stores.”
As quoted by the company’s Facebook page,
“Lorna Jane is stylish active wear, for others, it’s a way of life.”
This is what makes them different, the way of life they offer. Through these social media platform they have created a way of life that all of their customer can interact with on a day to day bases. Lorna Jane runs two websites, one for sales and one advocating the Lorna Jane “life”.
Throughout her Social Media platforms and store products the brand reinforces “living the Lorna Jane philosophy” with the words “Move Nourish Believe” being repeated.
Lorna Jane currently uses, snapchat, Blogs, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Mobile App, Google+ and Youtube, to interact with their customers.
Target Market
Brand Target Market; Women, aged in their 20-30s, Looking or achieving a healthy life style, they have an …show more content…

It is all about the customer and how they are living their life and really connecting to “Lorna Jane” as a person with them carrying “her” philosophy.
Soical Media Effectiveness
Lorna Jane uses every social media app that is out there and has a marketing team that’s sole purpose is to keep Lorna Jane appearing active online and responding to customers. The only one they do not utilise to the fullest potential is their Facebook. There is a huge gap and they need to run more incentives to be following the page because currently is falling short of the Instagram fame.
Social Responsibility Issues
Lorna Jane has been caught in many incidence regarding their social media and role models they have

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