
Losing My Virginity by Richard Branson Essay

Good Essays

Review of "Losing my Virginity" by Richard Branson

Book title: Losing My Virginity
Author: Richard Branson
Place of publication: Rainville Road, London, England
Publisher: Virgin Books; Rev Ed edition
Year of publication: June 27th 2002.
Number of pages: 672
ISBN-10: 0753506483
ISBN-13: 978-0753506486


Richard Branson takes the reader on the adventure; which is his life. The author openly discusses his family, friends, sexual escapades, life threatening attempts to fly around the world in a hot air balloon; he also covers his many business endeavors ranging from Virgin Records to Virgin Galactic. Richard Branson offers us an insight into his own unique business philosophy which most of the time …show more content…

We commend you Sir Richard!
Purpose of the book:
Branson wrote this book to demonstrate how he made Virgin the company and brand it is today. He strives to encourage people to think outside the box, take risks and go with your instincts. For many entrepreneurs young and old Branson autobiography is testament to the fact that once a person is determined and adaptable; success in business is not solely reliant on large financial backing and an academic background.
Branson recognizes that his vision has been criticized for breaking all the ‘rules' and it is too kaleidoscopic, however many people respect and revere the Virgin Brand and how it came about. Branson wishes to offer the reader an informal non academic read about his life and business vision, in the hope to inspire other entrepreneurs to take a risk and challenge themselves whether it is in a business or personal context.
Content of the book:
When I first sat down to read Branson's autobiography I felt daunted by the number of pages (672) that lay before me. The fact that I had a preconceived notion of Richard being an arrogant, publicity hungry mogul of an overused brand, only added to my reluctance to commence reading his autobiography. Branson's autobiography opens with an account of one of his many attempts to fly around the world in a hot air balloon. This attempt

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