
Lottery True Story

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It was a dark, frosty winter night, and the white, crystallic snow was falling on the gelid ground of New York City. There was an alley in the middle of shops and buildings of all types, in which there were two people moving. Curled up on the side was a poor man, who had been born a beggar, but had parents, who were long gone, that had passed values that one would never forget to their son. As each day of his dreary life went on, the beggar strayed on the streets day on night asking for food to fill his stomach and even went to certain stores to ask politely for food. Despite being very destitute, this man had never in his life dared to steal. Meanwhile, there was another man in the alley, who had all the money a person could imagine and was …show more content…

The poor man was not as his usual spot in the alley, but he was at a store crowded with anxious people waiting for the lottery results in front of a television. Meanwhile, the wealthy man was getting ready for his daily thefts, unaware of the fact that the police were waiting for him to get out of his house. The results of the lottery were to come at midnight, the same time that the wealthy man would leave his mansion. Then, as the clock struck twelve, the beggar discovered that he had won the lottery, and the wealthy man learned that the police were waiting for him when he crept out of his mansion. The two men’s reaction to these life changing moments were complete opposites, just as the two men were. When the beggar heard that he had won the lottery, his face lightened up, his eyes widened, and he experienced a feeling that he had never felt before. For the first time in his life, he actually felt excited for something and for the first time ever, he was experiencing joy, not sadness. Meanwhile, the rich, portly man was running for his life and his worldly fortunes. He had become aware of his foolishness and how he should have made sure that no one was watching him when he was committing theft, but the wealthy man still hadn’t noticed that being rich didn’t mean that he could do

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