
The Lottery Short Story

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For many years, the townspeople of a small, isolated town had performed a sort of lottery each year. However, the winner of this lottery was never a lucky one as they would be the subject of a stoning. The villagers who would all participate in this stoning had probably been doing this for so long that they had become blinded by what they were accomplishing- which was nothing at all. On a sunny June day Tessie Hutchinson had been chosen as the one person who the entire village would be getting to throw all types of stone at. She could be heard screaming out, ‘’It isn’t fair, it isn’t right!’’ as the people she had lived so close to all her life crept toward her with rocks. As she trembled in horror, she could not believe she had been picked out of the three-hundred villagers that could just as easily been her at this very …show more content…

Now that she was the one facing the people that had become familiar to her and made her feel at home carrying stones toward her to bring her to her death, she wondered how anyone could do this to her. Just as quickly as this thought came, it had gone and so had she. After everyone had gone home for their noon dinner, Nancy Hutchinson was still standing staring down at the dead body of her mother. Tessie’s head was caked in blood and there were small bruises all over her body where tiny stones had hit her. After a few years of seeing these same images and countless nightmares she had kept hidden from everyone, Nancy no longer felt as afraid of looking at the dead bodies of past winners of the lottery. It had become normal. This scared her the most. That by partaking in this annual event she would no longer feel anything toward the dead. Today was

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