
Louie Zamperini: A War Hero

Decent Essays

Louie Zamperini was a war hero who survived being at sea for 47 days on a life raft and was in Japanese internment camps where he was beaten and starved. Louie was raised in the city of Torrance. He was not a good child he would go around getting into trouble with the people in his neighborhood. He turned his life around when his brother Pete showed Louie how to be a good runner and he went on to go to the Olympics. Louie Zamperini, from Laura Hillenbrand’s Unbroken, shows that louie is rebellious and he is determined. Louie was a rebellious in his childhood he would steal things and he would drink and smoke. First reason Louie was acting up since he was a small child “In 1919, when two year old Louie was sick with pneumonia, …show more content…

The he found himself thinking of something pete once said A lifetime of glory is worth a moment of pain. Louie thought: let go. With one lap to go, louie fixed his eyes on the gleaming head of the pomaded runner, far ahead He began a dramatic acceleration Around the turn and down the backstretch, Louie kicked, his legs reaching and pushing, his speed dazzling. One by one, runners came up ahead and faded behind.”(36) This proves how determined Louie can be and how big of an impact that Pete had on him. Louie kept trying and training he eventually got to the NCAA championship, but some people did not want him to win Just as “Louie was about to take the lead, several runners shouldered in around him, boxing him in. the man beside him swerved and stomped on his foot, impaling Louie’s toe with his spike. Then the man in front kicked back, cutting Louie’s shins. A third man elbowed Louie’s chest so hard, he cracked Louie’s rib. The crowd gasbed. Bleeding and in pain, Louie was trapped. For a lap and a half, he ran in the cluster of men, restraining his stride to avoid running into the man ahead. At last, nearing the final turn, he saw a tiny gap. He burst through, sprinted to lead, and with his shins streaming blood and his chest aching, won easily.”(43) This proves that louie is determined because even when he was hurt he still had it in him to find a way and

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