
Louis Armstrong Controversy

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Jazz would not be the same today without the contributions that Louis Armstrong brought to the jazz community, Armstrong opened up a whole new genre of jazz and paved the way for countless other Jazz artist to follow. Armstrong was a trumpet and cornet player, composer, actor, and singer. Armstrong was renowned throughout most of the U.S. he was even known by other names such as “Pops,” Satchmo,” and, later was known as “Ambassador Satch.” Armstrong’s life was full of controversy and challenges that he had to overcome, one such controversy was overcome racism from other Blacks.

In the 1920 Louis Armstrong cut several records with various other bands but most notable of which are his singles that he cut. Even at a young age and an even younger musical career Armstrong was proving himself to be a musician worthy of recognition. Not everyone accepted his style at first, there was a lot of fellow musicians that didn’t like his style because it was different from their own style. Armstrong had a tendency to add more and longer trumpet solos, he would later leave Joe “King” Oliver’s band too start his own band where he …show more content…

In 1920 Armstrong encountered Earl Hines, Hines like Armstrong was a soloist who was interested in reshaping the way traditional Jazz was played, their duet on Weatherbird is a perfect example of the type of Jazz he was trying to create and was a milestone recording from the 1920s. Armstrong also had a profound impact on the genre of Jazz singing also known as scat- singing. Armstrong was not the first to incorporate scat-singing into his song but he did popularized the style. Given his powerful influence in the Jazz community and the certain rough and gritty tenderness that he brought to the style made it stand

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